Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization, FL
Home MenuRoad Safety Audits
Federal law requires that planning processes be consistent with Strategic Highway Safety Plans (SHSP). Safety strategies should look to increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users.
The Space Coast TPO has a long history of supporting safety planning and programs and has worked in collaboration with the FDOT to improve access to and resources for obtaining crash data records in a format that can be used more effectively to sort and compile data. Through the development of a web-based crash data location system (the University of Florida’s Signal Four Analytics (S4)), and the use of the state’s Crash Analysis Reporting System (CARS), in 2014 the TPO developed its first Countywide Safety Analysis Report.
The Safety Report focused on identifying crash trends, types and location of crashes. The analysis included looking at the following crash characteristics: Crash Frequency; Crash Severity; Crash Type; Crash Rate; and Emphasis Areas from the FDOT SHSP. The full report is available at the following links: