Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization, FL
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Sarah Kraum
Senior Transportation Planner
List of Project Priorities (LoPP)
The List of Project Priorities (LoPP) contains a list of unfunded highway, technology and bicycle and pedestrian projects. The LoPP serves as a bridge document between the Space Coast TPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan and the five-year Transportation Improvement Program.
Once long-term needs are determined by the 20-year long range plan, projects are prioritized and put on the List of Project Priorities, a funding waiting list. When funding becomes available, the project moves to the five-year plan.
The process begins with a call for projects each year. Staff works with members of the Transportation Subcommittee to develop a draft list that builds on the list from the previous year. The draft LoPP then goes through Space Coast TPO’s advisory committees and governing board for comment, review and adoption.